Vue 仿 VSCode 布局组件 A Vue editor layout component that like visual studio code and can be used to develop web editors....
Template for Chakra UI Vue v1 with Typescript, Vite, components auto-importing, layouts, and static site generation....
A Vue3 based UI layout engine. Features draggable and resizable. Custom plugin support and variable themes....
Using reactivity principles to dynamically switch UI layouts depending on a user's screen size and orientation....
the zery-layout base on vue and element-ui that can build a backend fastly
致力于解决中后台布局的问题, 提供自动生成菜单与定制页面布局。组件基于Element UI和Element Plus,提供Vue2和Vue3两个版本。
This project is just to improve my skills in customizing website layout. Slicing UI design Compette Job Landing to HTML,CSS,& some front end framework...
A modern web interface for Ollama, built with Nuxt 3 and Vue. Features a clean UI with dark/light modes, model management (copy/rename/delete), customizable themes...