iOS Converter location WGS-84 GCJ-02 baidu
Used to convert different coordinate system standards to each other
(GCJ-02 Mars coordinates)
(WGS-84 normal GPS coordinates)
(Baidu coordinates)
// latitiude and longitude
CLLocationCoordinate2D location = (CLLocationCoordinate2D){
.latitude = 0.0,
.longitude = 0.0
// determine if in China
if (![TQLocationConverter isLocationOutOfChina:location])
// convert WGS-84 to GCJ-02 (Mars coordinates)
location = [TQLocationConverter transformFromWGSToGCJ:location];
// convert GCJ-02 (Mars coordinates) into Baidu coordinates
location = [TQLocationConverter transformFromGCJToBaidu:location];
// convert Baidu coordinates into GCJ-02 (Mars coordinates)
location = [TQLocationConverter transformFromBaiduToGCJ:location];
// convert GCJ-02 (Mars coordinates) to WGS-84 (normal GPS coordinates)
location = [TQLocationConverter transformFromGCJToWGS:location];