transit app

An iOS swift app that shows route information and plots the route on a map


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Transit App

An iOS swift app that shows route information and plots the route on a map. It was used polylines to plot the route’s segments on the map and also used SVGKit to deal with the images for each route segment. Those svg’s icons images are downloaded, cached and converted into images that are displayed for the user.



  • A google maps iOS sdk key. The application already have one in place but it will only work until March 4th 2016. After that you will need to create one. you can get one here: The key must be informed at Keys/keys.plist file.
  • cocoapods gem installed
    • $ sudo gem install cocoapods

Get the app

$ git clone
$ cd transit-app

Install dependencies

$ pod install --project-directory=TransitApp/

Open and test the application

$ open TransitApp/TransitApp.xcworkspace/
  • Press Command + U to run the tests


  • Press Command + R to run the application

Pods used in this application (dependencies)

  • CocoaLumberjack (2.2.0)
  • GoogleMaps (1.12.2)
  • Nimble (3.0.0)
  • Polyline (3.0.0)
  • Quick (0.9.1)
  • SVGKit (2.x)
  • Unbox (1.3.1)

App images

Alt text
Alt text
Alt text
Alt text


This is a study project, so feel free to use it.