A .Net (C#) implementation of the Javascript tweening engine
A .Net (C#) implementation of the Javascript tweening engine (https://github.com/tweenjs/tween.js)
The features are identical to the Javascript tween engine.
Also the code tried to be as close to the original as possible.
var position = new Hashtable { { "x", 0.0 } };
var tween = new Tween.Tween(position)
.To(new Hashtable { { "x", 100.0 }}, 2000)
tween.Updated += (o, args) =>
var y = (double) args.Obj["x"];
chart.Series["Series"].Points.AddXY(_time, y);
for (double i = 0; i < 2000; i = i + 10)
_time = i;