twitter amqp websocket example

Simple example of Twitter + AMQP + RabbitMQ + EventMachine + HTML5 WebSocket with no polling


h1. Twitter AMQP WebSocket Example

Quick experiment of going from twitter to the browser, with no polling.

It goes something like this:

Twitter Stream -> Filter -> RabbitMQ -> AMQP -> EventMachine -> WebSocket -> HTML5 Browser

Since it uses a fanout exchange on RabbitMQ, it allows to have multiple clients connected to the eventmachine loop and receive the same real-time updates (and hopeful it will scale).

h2. Requirements

  • Ruby
  • RabbitMQ
  • gem install bundler

h2. How To

bundle install (first time, to install the dependencies)

rabbitmq-server # start rabbitmq

ruby twitterfeed.rb twitter_username twitter_password # start the filter

ruby socket.rb # on another shell

Then you can open client/index.html on a HTML5 WebSocket compatible browser (tested with Webkit nightly).

Read the code, and have fun! 😃