Twitter Trend Analyzer

You need to know fundamentals of NLP with the following : 1. Numpy [array manipulation] 2.Pandas [making dataframes for visualization] 3.Re [for extracting url dataset] 4.Matplotlib [for Data visualization in graphs and charts] 5.Warnings [Ignore Unwanted Warnings] 6.Wordcloud [For drawing a word chart of most frequently used Words]


Twitter-Trend-Analyzer (Bollywood Trends): With NLP (Natural Language Processing) and AI

This project was done for, an online project and cources platform for AI, ML , DL. I have recieved a certificate of completion with 80% Grades.


To build a twitter trend analyser which will analyse a set of tweets using NLP and text-processing techniques. The trend analyser will work on a given set of tweets, seeded on Bollywood to generate:

  1. A tag cloud depicting what topics or celebrities were being talked about on Twitter
  2. A chart showing which hashtag related to Bollywood trended (Hashtags are words or phrases beginning with # eg #ShahrukhKhan
  3. A share of voice chart to show which celebrities dominated conversation on Twitter


  1. Submit your Python code to analyse twitter trends. Your code will cover:

    a) Generate a word cloud based on the tweets
    b) Show the relative popularity of the hashtags
    c) Show which celebrity had the maximum share…