Typescript Playground & Showcase for REST, Spring Boot, HAL+JSON Hypermedia Document ... Example App "Minecraft Mob Tournament"
…for REST, Spring Boot and HAL+JSON Hypermedia Documents
Everything in an example app called “Minecraft Mob Tournament”
This example uses Typescript compile feature ‘namespaces’.
npm install -g tsc
cd browser-namespaces
for FileName in minecraft*.ts; do tsc --sourcemap "$FileName" -t ES5 --out "$(basename "$FileName" .ts).js"; done
# OR
tsc -p tsconfig.json
There is an official plugin and documentation from Jetbrains, the vendor of IntelliJ IDEA and Web-Storm.
I highly recommend to have a look at these great tools.
mvn package
java -jar target/playground-server.jar --spring.profiles.active=local
curl -s localhost:8082 | jq .