unnethack i18n

Internationalization project for UnNetHack.


General information about UnNetHack-i18n

NetHack-i18n (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/nethack-i18n/) has been a
worthwhile project for me, and not just for the I18N aspect. It provides
several new user interfaces and bug fixes to the original NetHack.

Here I present UnNetHack-i18n, my new project to bring a similar I18N effort
to UnNetHack and perhaps to apply the lessons learned from that project.


– Ray Chason


(The following is Patric Mueller’s original README for UnNetHack; “I” refers
to him.)

UnNetHack is a fork of NetHack, originally based on NetHack version 3.4.3.

It features more randomness, more levels, more challenges and more fun than
vanilla NetHack.

In a nutshell I would describe UnNetHack as “how NetHack would look today if
the DevTeam didn’t stop releasing”, following a modern open source project
approach of development.

The project page with detailed information about changes from NetHack, the
development blog, public servers, source code repository and ways to reach the
developer can be found at: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unnethack

For discussion, join the IRC channel #unnethack on irc.freenode.net, post to

– Good luck, and happy Hacking