A graphical user interface tool for configuration of the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator.
A graphical user interface tool for configuration of the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator.
User Presets
- For the GUI.
- For generating color schemes from files.
and libXft
- For font selection.
It also requires rxvt-unicode to be built with “xft” support.
If you do not know what this means, don’t worry about it.
We’re on the AUR now, use your favorite AUR helper.
This will build from the latest commit on the “master” branch.
is part of the main portage tree.
Sync your portage and emerge --ask --verbose x11-misc/urxvtconfig
is part of the main repository.
xbps-install -S urxvtconfig
As time passes, I will try to get this into as many repositories as I can, for now, just grab the latest release.
I highly recommend to build it yourself as described just below:
Requires qt5 (qmake) and is highly encouraged.
$ git clone https://github.com/daedreth/URXVTConfig.git
$ cd URXVTConfig
$ qmake -qt=qt5 source/URXVTConfig.pro
$ make
$ sudo make install
If qmake does not appear to be working, you have to specify the full path to the qmake executable.
/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/qmake source/URXVTConfig.pro
If you have imagemagick
installed, you can attempt to generate a nicely looking theme from an image.
The way this works is, we extract enough colors without duplicates and apply, you are obviously free to modify them once generated.
You can easily save and load custom themes.
Create the following file to get started: ~/.config/urxvtconfig/presets.db
You can save your selected colors under a specific name to use at a later time, or load from the file.
It goes without saying that it’s possible to manually edit the file in order to add or remove presets, the syntax for a preset is as follows:
(make sure each one is on a new line)
Theme Name: <foreground>,<background>,<cursorColor>,<16 other colors>
Where the colors are HTML color codes, separated by commas. (HEX)
Save a configuration and manually edit the file to see exactly how that works.
The name may contain spaces and special characters, the only character it can not contain is a colon :
You can modify the way URXVTConfig works by creating and editing a configuration file.
By default, the file it is looking for upon launch is ~/.config/urxvtconfig/config
The syntax and possible options so far are:
no_warnings: true | false
- If set to true, we will stop nagging about installing third party plugins and a few other annoying warnings.
no_backups: true | false
- If set to true, we will stop asking if you’d like to create a backup each time you save your configuration.
As this project grows, I will be adding more configuration options if necessary.
I saved the changes, encountered no error message and URXVT still didn’t change, what do?
I keep running into an error message about “not having permissions” to write to the file.
chown -R <username>:<usergroup> /home/<username>
as root to fix that.My old configuration is not read properly!
Why is my transparency not working?
I enabled certain plugins and they do nothing!
This is a rather basic project, pull requests are welcome.
Issues will be resolved as fast as possible.
The code is to remain as simple to modify and as readable as only possible.
This file is part of URXVTConfig.
URXVTConfig is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
URXVTConfig is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with URXVTConfig. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.