
Vue Editor Component based on Quill.js


Vue editor based on Quill.js

This build has built in support for:

  • Upload image
  • Drag and drop image as base64
  • Insert Vimeo and Youtube video
  • Resize and align video and image
  • Copy paste text
  • H2 and H3 tags
  • Bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough
  • Quotes, code, lists, text alignment


npm i vedit or yarn add vedit


How to use from an example Editor.vue file:

  <div class="editor">
    <!-- Subscribe to change and upload events. The client prop is the upload handler. -->
    <Vedit @change="change" @upload="upload" :client="client">
      <!-- Slot for initial HTML. Use v-html if you are loading HTML from a string. -->
      <div v-html="content" />

import Client from '@/lib/client'
import Vedit from 'vedit'

export default {
  name: 'Editor',
  components: { Vedit },
  created () {
    // Example upload client
    this.client = new Client({ url: '' })
  methods: {
    // Everytime you write something you can read the value of the editor here
    change (value) {
      console.log('CHANGE:', value)
    // The upload handler for the client should be a function that takes input files
    // and returns a promise that resolves with file URLs.
    upload(urls) {
      console.log('UPLOADED:', urls)
  data () {
    return {
      client: null,
      content: '<p><img src="">Hello</p>'

MIT Licensed. Enjoy!