Vite based Vue3 (Typescript) template that uses, vue-router, PWA, daisyUI, tailwindcss, Playwright, vitest, vue-jsx, rollup-visual-visualizer, prettier, sass, vite inspect, vue-test-utils, test coverage, happy-dom
Vite Vue3 Template is a starter template for building Vue3 applications using Vite as the build tool.
It comes pre-configured with
several essential dependencies that will help you get started with your Vue3 project right away.
vue test utils
.This plugin allows you to change the theme of your application at runtime.
It also allows you to watch for system theme changes and update the theme accordingly.
Initiate the plugin with the default theme and the dark theme.
Theme options are from Daisiy UI themes as well as some custom added themes.
Check all the built-in DaisyUI Themes.
Create your own custom daisy ui theme here and add it to the
You can find the detailed API documentation here.
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur & built-in typescript) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
npm install
npm run dev
# Type-check and build the app
npm run build
# Built the app
npm run build-only
# Build the app and run the unit & e2e tests (headless)
npm run build-test
# Runs the unit tests
npm run test:unit
# Runs the tests in watch mode
npm run test:unit:watch
# Runs the tests in watch mode with coverage
npm run coverage
# Install browsers for the first run
npx playwright install
# When testing on CI, must build the project first
npm run build
# Runs all the end-to-end tests
npm run test:e2e
# Runs all the end-to-end tests headlessly
npm run test:e2e:headless
# Runs the tests only on Desktop
npm run test:e2e:desktop
# Runs the tests only on Mobile
npm run test:e2e:mobile
# Inspect the vite build on localhost
npm run vite:inspect
# Inspect the rollup bundle on localhost
npm run rollup:inspect
npm run lint
npm run help
Contributions to the project is highly appreciated.
If you have any suggestions/questions/requests please consider
opening an issue. If you want to contribute to the project, fixing an open issue is greatly recommended and appreciated. To see the all contribution rules please check the contribution rules.
This project is licensed under MIT License
if you want to see more, please check LICENSE for more information.
This project is created and actively maintained by kaandesu