vue amiral imagelist

Vue component (Vue.js 2.0) or directive (Vue.js 1.0) allowing drag-and-drop and synchronization with view model array. This component can upload&view only your image list for now. Actualy i create this component for use myself. I will add custom upload function and events to future

VueJS Image Upload List

Vue component (Vue.js 2.0) or directive (Vue.js 1.0) allowing drag-and-drop and synchronization with view model array.

This component can upload&view only your image list for now.

Actualy i create this component for use myself.

I will add custom upload function and events to future


demo gif


With npm

npm i -S vue-amiral-imagelist

main.js file:

import imagelist from "vue-amiral-imagelist" 

Vue.use(imagelist, {
    upload_target_url : "http://localhost/amiralimagelist/upload.php"
    view_path_prefix : "http://localhost/amiralimagelist",
    upload_group_method : "query",

Use in project:

<vue-amiral-imagelist v-model="images" mediagroup="product" limit="6" sizetype="h" />
data: () => ({
    images: [



What: it’s your image list container array variable

Type: Array

Required: true

Default: null


What: it’s your adverb for uploading from which image list. More info bottom of page in Default Config

Type: String

Required: false

Default: null


What: If you want use max image limit you can give a max limit

Type: String or Number

Required: false

Default: null


What: If you wanna allow only horizontal|vertical|square pics, you can use this as “hvs” or “h” or “v” or “s”

Type: String

Required: false

Default: null

Good to know

the server should JSON response like at down where you will post


Default Config

the server should JSON response like at down where you will post

let defaults = {
    /** images will send this url
     *  then, should return JSON data like this :
     *  { "status" : "success", "url" : "/images/products/image.jpg" }
    upload_target_url : "/api/fileupload", 

    /** this value for detect files which list
     * example: you will use mediagroup="product" attribute on component
     * and this value will append to url as path or as query
     * path ex: "/api/fileupload/product"
     * query ex: "/api/fileupload/?upload_group=product"
     * path is recommended for MVC
    upload_group_method : "path",
    /** this value will use as key of query if upload_group_method equal query  
     * example : /api/fileupload?mediagroup=profile
    upload_group_query_key : "mediagroup",

    upload_post_field_name : "file",
    upload_accept_filetype : "image/*",
    /** This value for resize JPG files to maxarea
    upload_accept_maxsize  : 1920, 
    /** images will view on imagelist with this prefix url
     *  example: your image array list ["/images/products/image1.jpg","/images/products/image2.jpg"]
     * 	but your absolute url is ""
     *  then, you can use "" as PathPrefix
    view_path_prefix : "/storage",

    /** not need explain this keys,
     * keys already look like understandable
    theme_color_border : "#ccc",
    theme_color_border_hover : "#3f51b5",
    theme_color_action_border : "#ccc",
    theme_color_action_text : "#ccc",
    theme_color_action_hover_border : "#555",
    theme_color_action_hover_background : "#555",
    theme_color_action_hover_text : "#fff",
    theme_color_progress_background : "#ddd",
    theme_color_progress_bar : "#3f51b5",

    theme_size_slot : "100px",
    theme_size_margin : "5px",

    text_add_new : "Yeni Ekle",

    draggable : true