vue cascading signup

Simple, clean fullscreen cascading Vue.js component. Designed for sign up forms.


Vue.js Cascading Signup 🏄 🌊

A simple Vue.js component designed to build cascading forms

Give it a try here 😊

How to install

You can use npm, like so…

npm i vue-cascading-signup

…or you can add it directly to your HTML page from the cdn:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/vue-cascading-signup.css">
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue-cascading-signup.umd.min.js"></script>


You can compile & run the example with…

npm run serve

…or check out the demo page here)


To setup, you need 2 separate objects.

The first is the model that will be manipulated by vue-cascading-signup

form: {
  'name': '',
  'cell phone': '',

You can add these in the model prop. You should also pass the current key with model_key.

For example,

  :model_key="name" :model="form">

…and the second are the options that modify the appearance:

options: {
  'Name': [
      type: String
  'Cell Phone': [
      text: '+27',
      type: String

The key of each object in options should match the key of form. i.e. ‘Cell Phone’ -> ‘cell phone’ (caps don’t matter 🙂)

Inside each of the options objects, you can stack parts to form part of each cascading-row.

Options available

  • type: Required. Can be String or Number. If it’s Number, validation will be applied to only allow for digits 0-9.
  • text: Optional. If you add this, it’ll just add text (no input). Use it to add prefixes/suffixes.
  • maxLength: Optional. This enforces a maximum number of characters.
  • requires: Optional. This is the minimum number of characters to be entered before the next row cascades. So, if you need the whole row to be filled out, this should match maxLength
  • width: (Number) Optional. The width of this element.

You can pass these options in the parts prop:

  :model_key="name" :model="form"

Props available

  • model: Optional. The model that will be edited. Remember to add the model_key prop to specify which object to modify.
  • parts: Optional. Options regarding the appearance of this row.
  • dependant: Optional. This enforces the ‘cascading’ effect.
  • font_size: (Number) Optional. Font size for row.

And that’s it 🙏. Other than Vue.js there are no other dependancies.

If you’d like to, please submit a pull request. I’ll review it as fast as I can. Thanks!