A Vue component, a customizable container of other components
based on kirillmurashov vue-drag-resize, extended “rotate”
1.0.0+ means the component is for vue2.0, in master branch
2.0.0+ means the component is for vue3.0, in vue3.0 branch
$ npm install @pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate
$ npm install @pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate@next
import Vue from 'vue'
import vueDragResizeRotate from '@pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate'
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import vueDragResizeRotate from "@pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate";
import vueDragResizeRotateCSS from "@pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate/lib/vue-drag-resize-rotate.css";
const app = createApp(App);
<div id="app">
<h3>Hello World!</h3>
<p>{{ top }} х {{ left }} </p>
<p>{{ width }} х {{ height }}</p>
<p>{{ deg }}</p>
import VueDragResizeRotate from '@pinkcao/vue-drag-resize-rotate';
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0,
top: 0,
left: 0,
deg: 0,
rotatable: true
methods: {
resize(newRect) {
this.width = newRect.width;
this.height = newRect.height;
this.top = newRect.top;
this.left = newRect.left;
rotate(deg) {
this.deg = deg
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Determines whether the component should be active.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isActive="true">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Disable behavior of the component by clicking on it and clicking outside the component’s area (isActive: true / false).
If the prop is enabled, the component is oriented only to the specified.
通过单击组件并单击组件区域外部来禁用组件的行为(isActive:true / false)。
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :preventActiveBehavior="true">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Define the initial width of the parent element. If not specified it calculated automatically.
With this parameter, you can set the bounding area for the component, and also it is used when resizing in real time.
定义父元素的初始宽度。 如果未指定,则自动计算。
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentW="2000">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Define the initial height of the parent element. If not specified it calculated automatically.
With this parameter, you can set the bounding area for the component, and also it is used when resizing in real time.
定义父元素的初始高度。 如果未指定,则自动计算。
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentH="2000">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 1
Define the initial horizontal scale or the parent element. Same value in parent’s transform: scale() css definition.
The drag/resize and the sticks’ sizes will computed with this value.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentScaleX="0.5">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 1
Define the initial vertical scale or the parent element. Same value in parent’s transform: scale() css definition.
The drag/resize and the sticks’ sizes will computed with this value.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentScaleY="0.5">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Determines whether the component should draggable.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isDraggable="false">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Determines whether the component should resize.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isResizable="false">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true
Determines whether the component can be rotated
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isRotatable="true">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Limits the scope of the component’s change to its parent size.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentLimitation="true">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Determines whether the component should retain its proportions.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :aspectRatio="false">
Type: Array
Required: false
Default: ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml']
- Top lefttm
- Top middletr
- Top rightmr
- Middle rightbr
- Bottom rightbm
- Bottom middlebl
- Bottom leftml
- Middle leftDetermines the sticks affected by aspectRatio, only works when aspectRatio is true
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :aspectRatioSticks="['tl', 'tm', 'tr']">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200
Define the initial width of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :w="200">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200
Define the initial height of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :h="200">
Type: Number
Required: false
Determines the rotate degree of the component
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :deg="120">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50
Define the minimal width of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :minw="50">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50
Define the minimal height of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :minh="50">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Define the initial x position of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :x="0">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0
Define the initial y position of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :y="0">
Type: Number|String
Required: false
Default: auto
Define the zIndex of the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :z="999">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default 8
Define the sticks’ size.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :stickSize="12">
Type: Array
Required: false
Default: ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml']
Define the array of handles to restrict the element resizing:
- Top lefttm
- Top middletr
- Top rightmr
- Middle rightbr
- Bottom rightbm
- Bottom middlebl
- Bottom leftml
- Middle left<vue-drag-resize-rotate :sticks="['tm','bm','ml','mr']">
Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false
Determine whether the component should snap to grid.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate snapToGrid="true">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50
Define the grid on axisX.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate gridX="20">
Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50
Define the grid on axisY.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate gridY="20">
Type: String
Required: false
Default: both
Define the axis on which the element is draggable. Available values are x
, y
, both
or none
定义元素可拖动的轴。 可用值为x
<vue-drag-resize-rotate axis="x">
Type: String
Required: false
Defines the selector that should be used to drag the component.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate dragHandle=".drag">
Type: String
Required: false
Defines a selector that should be used to prevent drag initialization.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate dragCancel=".drag">
Type: String
Required: false
Defines a class that is applied on the div with the class vdr
<vue-drag-resize-rotate contentClass="box-shaddow">
Required: false
Parameters: Original event handler
Called whenever the component gets clicked.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @clicked="onActivated">
Required: false
Parameters: -
Called whenever the component gets clicked, in order to show handles.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @activated="onActivated">
Required: false
Parameters: -
Called whenever the user clicks anywhere outside the component, in order to deactivate it.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @deactivated="onDeactivated">
Required: false
Parameters: object
left: Number, //the X position of the component
top: Number, //the Y position of the component
width: Number, //the width of the component
height: Number //the height of the component
Called whenever the component gets resized.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @resizing="onResizing">
Required: false
Parameters: object
left: Number, //the X position of the component
top: Number, //the Y position of the component
width: Number, //the width of the component
height: Number //the height of the component
Called whenever the component stops getting resized.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @resizestop="onResizstop">
Required: false
Parameters: object
left: Number, //the X position of the component
top: Number, //the Y position of the component
width: Number, //the width of the component
height: Number //the height of the component
Called whenever the component gets dragged.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @dragging="onDragging">
Required: false
Parameters: object
left: Number, //the X position of the component
top: Number, //the Y position of the component
width: Number, //the width of the component
height: Number //the height of the component
Called whenever the component stops getting dragged.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @dragstop="onDragstop">
Required: false
Parameters: Number
Called whenever the rotate handler gets clicked and the cursor moving.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @rotating="rotate">
Required: false
Parameters: Number
Called whenever the component stops getting resized.
<vue-drag-resize-rotate @rotatestop="rotatestop">