vue hash calendar



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Using Effects


The same calendar for React:


  • Calendar component based on Vue 2. X

  • Support gesture sliding operation

  • Slide up and down to switch weekly / monthly mode

    [week mode] slide left and right to switch the previous week / next week

    [month mode] slide left and right to switch the previous month / next month




npm i -S vue-hash-calendar

// entry (main.js)
import vueHashCalendar from 'vue-hash-calendar'
// import CSS styles
import 'vue-hash-calendar/lib/vue-hash-calendar.css'
// use component
// using in vue files

Import by CDN

// add this in index.html
js CDN:{version}/lib/vue-hash-calendar.umd.min.js
css CDN:{version}/lib/vue-hash-calendar.css

// add this to webpack config
externals: {
'vue-hash-calendar': 'VueHashCalendar'



online demo:

  • 🎉 can you give me a star? 🎉

github link:


name describle type default reuqire
visible To control the display or hide of calendar components, use the ‘. Sync’ modifier Boolean false false
scrollChangeDate Controls whether the selected date is modified when sliding Boolean true false
model What form is the calendar component displayed. Inline: the way to inline. Dialog: pop up mode String inline false
defaultDatetime Date currentDate false
minDate The minimum date range of the calendar. After setting, you can only slide the calendar within this range Date false
maxDate The maximum date range of the calendar. After setting, you can only slide the calendar within this range Date false
format The date format returned by the callback event when confirming the date. eg: “YY / mm / DD HH: mm” , “MM DD,YY at hh:mm F” String YY/MM/DD hh:mm false
weekStart Use the day of the week as the starting week of each week in the calendar. choose: ‘sunday’, ‘monday’, ‘tuesday’, ‘wednesday’, ‘thursday’, ‘friday’, ‘saturday’ String sunday false
pickerType Selector Type. choose: ‘datetime’, ‘date’, ‘time’ String datetime false
showTodayButton Boolean true false
isShowWeekView Boolean false false
isShowArrow Boolean false false
isShowAction Boolean true false
isShowNotCurrentMonthDay Boolean true false
isAutoChangeMonth Boolean true false
disabledWeekView Boolean false false
disabledDate Set the disabled status of the date (returned true to disabled) (date) => Boolean false
disabledTime Set the disabled status of the time (returned true to disabled) (date) => Boolean false
disabledScroll Set the no sliding direction of the calendar. choose: ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’, true, false] Boolean, String false false
markDate he date to be marked can be grouped according to different colors and mark types (no grouped, the default is blue). eg:[{color: ‘red’,date: [‘2019/02/25’]},{color: ‘blue’,type: ‘dot’,date: [‘2019/01/20’]},‘2019/03/20’] Array [] false
markType Mark pattern type. choose: ‘dot’, ‘circle’, ‘dot+circle’ String dot false
minuteStep Number 1 false
lang Language. choose: ‘CN’, ‘EN’ String CN false
changeYearFast Set is can fast change year Boolean false false
themeColor change the theme color. { ‘main-color’: string; ‘bg-color’: string; ‘main-font-color’: string; ‘vice-font-color’: string; ‘disabled-bg-color’: string; ‘disabled-font-color’: string;} false
disabledClassName String false
notCurrentMonthDayClassName String false
checkedDayClassName String false
todayClassName String false
firstDayOfMonthClassName String false


name describle params
change { date }
confirm { date }
click { date }
touchstart { event }
touchmove { event }
touchend { event }
slidechange This event is triggered when the direction of the calendar slide changes. { direction }
calendarTypeChange { type }


name describle params
day Customize date content and style { date, extendAttr: { isMarked, isDisabledDate, isToday, isChecked, isCurrentMonthDay, isFirstDayOfMonth } }
week Customize week content and style { week }
arrow Customize arrow content and style { isShow }
today Customize today button content and style
confirm Customize dconfirmate button content and style
action Customize action content and style


name desc version
lastMonth 1.3.20
nextMonth 1.3.20
lastWeek 1.3.20
nextWeek 1.3.20
today 1.3.20




  • How to show calendar?
<vue-hash-calendar :visible.sync="isShowCalendar"></vue-hash-calendar>

this.isShowCalendar = true;
  • How to show English formater? MM DD,YY at hh:mm F
<vue-hash-calendar format="MM DD,YY at hh:mm F"></vue-hash-calendar>

  • If you want to return a 12 hour date, how should the format attribute be written? Add F after the formatted string
<vue-hash-calendar format="YY/MM/DD hh:mm F"></vue-hash-calendar>

  • day slot example

  • How to disable date?
// For example, disable all dates after today

/** vue files template **/
<vue-hash-calendar :disabled-date="disabledDate"></vue-hash-calendar>

/** vue methods  **/
disabledDate(date) {
    let timestamp = date.getTime();
    if (timestamp > new Date().getTime()) {
        return true

    return false
  • How to disable time?
// For example, disable all time after now

/** vue files template **/
<vue-hash-calendar :disabled-time="disabledTime"></vue-hash-calendar>

/** vue methods  **/
disabledTime(date) { // 禁用的时间
  let hours = date.getHours()
  let minute = date.getMinutes()
  let hoursNow = new Date().getHours()
  let minuteNow = new Date().getMinutes()

  if (hours < hoursNow || (hours === hoursNow && minute < minuteNow)) {
    return true
  return false
  • If there are other problems or incompatible functions. Can communicate by email ‘[email protected]’, or GitHub submits the issue.

