vue web workers example

Simple promise based Web Worker implementation in VueJS

Simple example of Web Worker implementation in VueJS


  • Vue CLI 3 (see for installation instructions)
  • worker-loader to let Webpack load the worker for you

Running the project

npm run serve

How to build it yourself

  1. Create the project
vue create <PROJECT-NAME>
  1. Add worker-loader and promise-worker to devDependencies
npm add worker-loader promise-worker -D
  1. Create your web worker directory with two files: index.js and worker.js

  2. This is an example of worker.js file. In this file you will register your worker using register method from promise-worker package. That method allows you to perform some tasks based on the message it received. The message you sent here can be a String or an Object. It depends on how you will specify this later in your index.js file while creating the worker instance.

// This is worker.js

import registerPromiseWorker from 'promise-worker/register';

registerPromiseWorker(message => {
  if (message === 'ANY MESSAGE YOU WANT') {
     * do your web worker task here,
     * if you decide to respond back when the task is done, simply return something,
     * and you will be able to get that message as a response in your worker in the component

  1. This is an example of index.js file. In this file we want to import the worker and promise-worker and create a new instance of PromiseWorker based on your worker. Now we need to declare how the postMessage method will look like. My postMessage takes a message of String type (but as mentioned before it could as well be an Object, it depends on your needs). The last piece is to just export a postMessage function so we could use it in the component.
// This is index.js file
import Worker from 'worker-loader!./worker';
import PromiseWorker from 'promise-worker';

const worker = new Worker();
const promiseWorker = new PromiseWorker(worker);

const postMessage = message =>

export default {
  1. Now you can import your Web Worker to a chosen component and use it like this.
 import worker from '@/web-worker'
/* ... */
worker.postMessage('ANY MESSAGE YOU WANT').then(reply => /* do something with the reply here */)