Vue3-Charts is an SVG-based charting library that is very easy to use and highly customizable
Vue3-Charts is a SVG-based charting library that is very easy to use and highly customizable.
Data visualization in Vue3 made easy
To learn more about Vue3-Charts read the documentation here
<Chart :data="data" :margin="margin" :direction="direction">
<template #layers>
<Grid strokeDasharray="2,2" />
<Bar :dataKeys="['name', 'pl']" :barStyle="{ fill: '#90e0ef' }" />
<Bar :dataKeys="['name', 'avg']" :barStyle="{ fill: '#0096c7' }" />
<Line :dataKeys="['name', 'avg']" type="step" />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { plByMonth } from '@/data'
import { Chart, Grid, Bar, Line } from 'vue3-charts'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Main',
components: { Chart, Grid, Bar, Line },
setup() {
const data = ref(plByMonth)
const direction = ref('horizontal')
const margin = ref({
left: 0,
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 0
return {data, margin, direction}
This project is still in early development. New charts will be added regularly.
Copyright © 2021 Vue3-Charts Contributors
Licensed under the MIT license.