CMS-style blog site that can publish articles, blog posts, thoughts and opinions
CMS-style blog site that can publish articles, blog posts, thoughts and opinions
If you feel generous and appreciate some of my work Buy me a coffee
To set up and utilise this project. Take the following steps.
Step 1: Clone this repository
Step 2: Install dependencies by running the npm install
command in the command line
Step 3: Open your code editor by running the command code .
Step 4: Create your database.
Luckily, theres a schema.sql file that we can run to create the database automatically.
You run this file by first logging in to you mysql server and running the source db/schema.sql
command to create the database
Step 5: Create .env file
Step 6: Type in your database credentials. Ensure that they use the format as followed
DB_NAME = weblog_db
If you have a jawsDb url from your heroku
JAWSDB_URL = `Your jawsBD URL`
npm run seed
command.nteractive blog site that allows users to make posts comment on posts, edit posts and so on
Made with ❤️ by Timi.
Please Check out my portolio
For additional questions contact me via email on [email protected] or view some other projects.