WebSocket for Objective C

WebSocket Protocol implementation for iOS - based on RFC 6455. Under development.


WSWebSocket is a websocket client implementation based on the latest standard RFC 6455. Licensed under the MIT license.

Tested with Autobahn WebSockets Protocol Test Suite.

Total 291 tests

  • 279 Pass
  • 12 Non-Strict
  • 0 Fail
  • All clean

It is still under development.

Currently does not support:

  • Extensions
  • Proxy

Handling authentication, setting cookies are left to the user through the corresponding response callback and sendRequest method.

Projects using this library should be linked against the following frameworks: CFNetwork, Security

Example of usage

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://echo.websocket.org"];
WSWebSocket *webSocket = [[WSWebSocket alloc] initWithURL:url protocols:nil];

[webSocket setTextCallback:^(NSString *text) {
    NSLog(@"%@", text);

[webSocket open];
[webSocket sendText:@"Hello!"];