
HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy


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Whistle is a simple and powerful cross-platform packet capture and debugging tool based on Node.JS. It can be used as HTTP proxy (default), HTTPS proxy, Socks proxy, reverse proxy, etc., for packet capture analysis or modification through configuration rules of HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, WebSocket, TCP requests. It also has built-in Weinre, Log, Composer and other tools to view the DOM structure of remote pages, view console output content, replay and edit construction requests, etc. It also supports plug-in extension functions or referenced by projects as NPM packages.


Windows PC or Mac PC recommended client: https://github.com/avwo/whistle-client.

If you use Whistle client, you can skip this installation step

Linux PC, server and other systems can use the command line version, which needs to be installed strictly according to the following 4 steps:

  1. Install Whistle
  2. Start Whistle
  3. Install root certificate
  4. Set up proxy

Install Whistle

Choose one of the following installation methods according to the actual situation:

  1. Install through npm (need to install Node.JS first: https://nodejs.org/ ):
npm i -g whistle
  1. Install through brew (need to install brew first: https://brew.sh/ ):
brew install whistle

Start Whistle

w2 start

Whistle starts HTTP proxy by default (IP:, port: 8899), which can be started through w2 start -p 8888 Modify the port. If it has been started, restart it with w2 restart -p 8888 to modify the port.

For complete command line functions, please refer to the full document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/options.html

Install the root certificate

After starting Whistle, you can install the root certificate with the following command:

w2 ca --enable-https
Windows needs to click "Yes (Y)" to confirm Click Yes (Y)
Mac You need to enter the power-on password or fingerprint verification Enter the power-on password Enter fingerprint

For how to install the root certificate on other terminals such as mobile phones, please refer to the complete document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/webui/https.html

Setting up a proxy

There are four ways to use Windows PC or Mac PC. You can choose one of them according to your actual situation:

  1. [Recommended] Set up a proxy by installing the Chrome plug-in SwitchyOmega: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/proxy-switchyomega/padekgcemlokbadohgkifijomclgjgif

Chrome App Store requires a VPN. If you cannot access it, please install it manually: https://proxy-switchyomega.com/download/

SwitchyOmega setting method example diagram imageimage
  1. Set the system proxy through the command line:
w2 proxy

You can also specify the IP (default and port: w2 proxy "10.x.x.x:8888", and use w2 proxy 0 to turn off the system proxy setting

  1. Set the proxy directly on the client, such as FireFox, WeChat developer tools, etc., which have built-in proxy setting functions
FireFox proxy setting example image image
4. Set up a proxy through Proxifier (for clients that cannot set up a proxy and do not use a system proxy): https://www.proxifier.com/docs/win-v4/http-proxy.html

Linux setting path: Settings > Network > VPN > Network Proxy > Manual

Linux proxy setting example image image

Mobile devices such as mobile phones need to configure the current Wi-Fi proxy, taking iOS as an example:

iOS proxy settings example image image


After installing Whistle according to the above steps, open the link http://local.whistlejs.com on the Chrome browser, and you can see the following operation interface:

network rules

Among them, Network is the interface for viewing packet capture, Rules is the configuration rule, Values ​​is the configuration data interface (used with Rules), and Plugins is the list of installed plugins.

Interface functions

Replay request image
Edit or construct request image

For other interface functions, see the full document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/webui/

Rule functions

Whistle rules can be seen as an extension of the following system hosts rules:

# One domain name corresponds to one IP localhost
::1 localhost
# Multiple domain names correspond to one IP www.test.com www.example.com

The system hosts rules have a single function, only supporting DNS modification and domain name matching, and there are DNS cache problems, which cannot meet daily work needs. Whistle rules extend the functions of system hosts rules. In terms of matching methods, they not only support domain name matching, path matching, wildcard matching, regular matching, etc., but also support further filtering by request method, response status code, request (response) header, request content, etc.; in terms of functions, they not only support DNS modification, but also support port modification, CNAME, proxy setting, request URL modification, request method, response status code, request header, response header, request content, response content, etc. In theory, everything in HTTP request can be modified. The format of Whistle rules is:

  1. Default format
pattern operation
  1. Support matching multiple operations
pattern operation1 operation2 ...
  1. Support filters
pattern operation1 operation2 ... includeFilter://filterPattern1 ... excludeFilter://filterPatternN ...

Multiple filters are in an or relationship, that is, one of the conditions must be met

  1. Support position swap (prerequisite: operation and pattern are not URLs or domain names at the same time)
operation pattern [filters ...]
operation pattern1 pattern2 ... [filters ...]
  1. Support line breaks
pattern2 ...
[filters ...]

Specific examples are as follows:

Modify DNS (set Hosts)
  1. Domain name matching
# Support port
# CNAME function (port optional)
www.test.com host://www.example.com:8181

Unlike the system hosts rule, the Whistle rule adopts left-to-right mapping and top-to-bottom priority by default, but the operation and pattern can be swapped when they are different URLs or domain names, so it is also compatible with the system hosts rule, that is: www.test.com

  1. Path matching
# Support with protocol
  1. Wildcard matching
# Domain name wildcard, matching test.com All descendant domain names of
# Support wildcards for domain names with protocols
# Path wildcards (* is a legal character for paths, so add ^ in front to tell Whistle that it is a wildcard)
# Support wildcards for paths with protocols

*, **, *** have different matching ranges, for details, see the full document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/pattern.html

  1. Regular matching
# The internal `/` can be escaped, which is equivalent to `new RegExp('^https?://\w+\.test\.com')`
  1. Filter matching
# `pattern` is the same as the domain name, path, and regular expression above, indicating that in addition to matching `pattern`, the request header `cookie` must also contain `env=test`
pattern includeFilter://reqH.cookie=/env=test/
Modify form data
# Modify the value of the `test` field in the form
pattern reqMerge://test=123

# Delete the `abc` field in the form
pattern delete://reqBody.abc
Set the cross-domain response header
# Taking path matching as an example, set the cross-domain response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * and exclude OPTION requests
pattern resCors://* excludeFilter://m:option

For all rules, see the full document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/rules/

Install the plugin

The plugin needs to be installed through the command line:

w2 i whistle.inspect whistle.vase

The above plug-in function introduction and source code: https://github.com/whistle-plugins, the client can be installed through the interface: https://github.com/avwo/whistle-client

After installation, you can see these two plug-ins in the Plugins of the management interface:

Plugin list example image image

Each plug-in can add two rule protocols by default:


By configuring the custom rules of the plug-in, the matching request can be forwarded to the plug-in specified hook implements custom functions. If not needed, you can also set "hideLongProtocol": true or "hideShortProtocol": true in whistleConfig of package.json of the plugin to hide the corresponding rule protocol

In addition to extending rules, the plugin also supports extending the Whistle interface, as well as providing operation interfaces, built-in rules and other functions. For installation, use and development of the plugin, please refer to the complete document: https://wproxy.org/whistle/plugins.html
