Word Diff empowers you to be a Markdown person in a Microsoft Word world by automatically converting any Word document committed to a GitHub repo to Markdown
Word Diff empowers you to be a Markdown person in a Microsoft Word world by automatically converting any Word document committed to a GitHub repo to Markdown.
Lets say you have a file called document.docx
and you commit it to your GitHub repo.
Word Diff will automatically make a second commit, along side your commit to add a document.md
file, with the contents of document.docx
converted to markdown. It’ll even note that you’re the commit author and copy over your commit message.
If you make changes and commit a new version of document.docx
, Word Diff will update the document.md
file, and if you delete document.docx
, document.md
gets deleted as well.
Under the hood, it uses word-to-markdown.
If you’re collaborating on text with someone:
environmental variable.SECRET_TOKEN
which you then have to set on your server/hosting as well. See how you set it on heroku below.GITHUB_TOKEN
.heroku create
in the worddiff folder. This also adds a heroku remote to your local git repo.heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git
. This will instruct Heroku to read the .buildpacks
file. Ideally do this before you push to heroku the first time.heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN=yourTokenHere
and heroku config:set SECRET_TOKEN=yoursecretchosentoken
git push heroku master
and the app should be deployed. The heroku repo should have been added before.bundle exec rackup