x7-repo: simple orm based on spring jdbcTemplate + sqli; x7-reyc: httpClient or httpTemplate + resilience4j for k8s, plus distribution transaction
x7-repo (sqli, Spring JdbcTemplate, Distribution Lock, Cache and so on....)
@EnableX7Repository @Repository and { interface FooRepository extends BaseRepository<Foo> }
@EnableX7Lock @Lock or
{ DistributionLock.by(key).lock(task) }
1. @SpringBootApplication(exclude = IdGeneratorAutoConfiguration.class)
2. 参照x7-id-generator工程, 新建工程,实现自定义的IdGeneratorService, 代码如下:
public interface MyIdGeneratorService extends IdGeneratorProxy
1. A method, coded with io.xream/acku or seata, maybe we can not use:
@Lock or
{ DistributionLock.by(key).lock(task) }