XBEL is the XML Bookmark Exchange Language library. This parser reads bookmarks from the various bookmark export formats used by browsers and web services and translates them to XBEL, CSV, JSON, or the HTML format used by Firefox.



Homepage:: xbel.rubyforge.org[http://xbel.rubyforge.org/]
Author:: Bob Aman (mailto:[email protected])
Copyright:: Copyright © 2008 Bob Aman
License:: MIT

== Description

XBEL is the XML Bookmark Exchange Library. This parser reads bookmarks from
the various bookmark export formats used by browsers and web services and
translates them to XBEL, CSV, JSON, or the HTML format used by Firefox.

== Features

  • The XBEL library can read XBEL, CSV, JSON, or HTML formatted bookmark lists.
  • If a format cannot be identified, it can extract URIs from a file.
  • If metadata is missing, it can retrieve and parse HTML to obtain it.
  • All bookmark lists can be outputted as XBEL, CSV, JSON, or HTML.

== Example Usage

Some code goes here.

== Requirements

  • XBEL depends on libxml-ruby 0.8.3.
  • XBEL depends on addressable 1.0.4.

== Install

  • sudo gem install xbel