A collection of PTV xServer .NET samples and demos
A collection of samples and demos for PTV xServer .NET.
For xServer internet an additional authentication is needed compared to an on-premise solution. This authentication consists of a common user/password pair which has to be set at the corresponding property of the Map control. A special user xtok exists which can be used for unregistered clients. The corresponding password, called xToken, can be obtained to grant full access of xServer functionality.
Due to this full access the xToken cannot be provided in the source code. Instead, place holders are used. They are replaced when the build process is started by a tool called Insert-XS.Net-Token.exe. When this tool finds an appropriate place holder, it shows a dialog to insert the xToken.
To access multiple sample projects without any tedious repetition of xToken insertion, Insert-XS.Net-Token.exe can be used to substitute the place holders in all projects. This tool is located in libs subfolder of the base directory. Via command line add the following parameters:
Insert-XS.Net-Token.exe -path “base directory of xserver.net-samples project”
Shows how to use the map as ActiveX control
Shows how to display city/street information as tool tip by reverse locating
Shows how to render circles with a geographic radius
Shows how to switch the basemap profile
Shows how to explicitly initialize the xMapServer base map
Shows how to set-up a map-layout with custom gadgets
Shows how to use your own string resources to localize the texts of the control.
Shows how to change the default behavior for pan/zoom interaction.
Source code for xServer.NET demo center.
The basic code to add an interactor for drawing custom polygons
Shows how to implement drag&drop for elements on the map.
Tests for customization and extensions of the map control
Shows how to render Feature Layers on the control
Shows how to add the map to a Windows Forms application in C#
Shows how to add the map to a Windows Forms application in VB.NET
Embed leaflet-based maps within classic desktop applications
Shows how to implement a client-side tile provider and demonstrates the “Infinite Zoom” feature
Shows practices to display many symbols with the ShapeLayer
Shows how to display even more symbols by implementing a custom layer
Shows how to build custom shapes for the shape layer
Shows how to add the map to an MFC application
Test for map controls in multiple tab-, split, and dock-containers
A utility class + demo that helps to track-down memory-leaks in your code.
Tips to optimize xServer.NET for limited-memory scenarios
Shows how to render arbitrary WPF elements and print/export the map content
Shows how to add 3rd-party basemap tiles
Shows how to add drag&drop routing to a Visual Basic project.
Shows how to render custom icons and select them by dragging a rubber band
Shows how to render additional xMap layers with tooltip interaction
Build responsive map applications for web and desktop
Shows how to add simple WMS (with “Google” EPSG:3857) layers to the control
Shows how to draw symbols with an attached label tag
Shows practices how to use the new xTour 1.18 job api @xServer internet
Shows how to build one logical layer containing different canvases rendered before and after the xMap labels
Benchmark for different settings that influence performance on Virtual Desktop Environments (VDI)VdiPerformance
Demonstrates the integration and initialization of a layer showing Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) content.
Shows how to initialize the base map using the Xmap1 tile and wms APIs.
Demonstrates the API for native Xmap2/FeatureLayer support.
Shows how to select and render xServer XYN-Segments