Xula Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate Cancer Screening: Making the Best Choice, an Angular 11 website, is an informational training to teach visitors about the prostate’s relevance, cancer risks and prostate screening. The site provides a pre-training demographic questionnaire, prostate cancer training information, a Decision Aid summary based on the user’s new knowledge and a post-training questionnaire.

Prostate Cancer Training: Making the Best Choice


Table of Contents

  1. General Information
  2. Introduction
  3. Installation
  4. Application Details
  5. Primary Module Features

General Information

Igloonarian | Client

Xavier University of Louisiana, College of Pharamcy

Margarita Echeverri, MSc, PhD, Principal Investigator

Kyazia Felder, MPH, Research Assistant


Pharmacy and Medical

Project Type

Educational Training

Project Description

Prostate Cancer Screening: Making the Best Choice is an informational training to teach visitors about the prostate’s relevance, cancer risks and prostate screening. The site provides a pre-training demographic questionnaire, prostate cancer training information, a Decision Aid summary based on the user’s new knowledge and a post-training questionnaire.

Project Link


Project GitHub



Prostate Screening: Making the Best Choice is an Angular project for Xavier University of Louisiana’s College of Pharmacy.




Date Last Updated

April 16, 2024


Technology Version
Angular 15.0.1
Bootstrap 4.5.3
Font Awesome 4.7.0
JQuery 3.6.3


Install Dependencies

  1. npm install node modules
  2. npm install [email protected]

Run Development Server

  1. ng serve --open

Application Details

The application’s primary module is ‘Features’. The ‘Features’ module is comprised of five items
in addition to the home module:

  1. Home
  2. Prostate Importance
  3. Risks Symptoms
  4. Screening for Cancer
  5. Diagnosis Treatment
  6. Best Choice

Modules Count | 4

  1. Core
  2. Features
  3. Layout
  4. Shared

Services Count | 1

  1. Vertical-Menu

Components Count | 115

  1. Core Components | 2
    1. Footer
    2. Header
  2. Shared Components | 2
    1. Feature-Credits
    2. Previous-Next-Buttons
  3. Features Components | 111
    1. Prostate-Importance -> 22
    2. Diagnosis-Treatment -> 24
    3. Prostate-Screening -> 27
    4. Best-Choice -> 19
    5. Risks-Symptoms -> 19

Primary Module Features


Application landing page and links to each module

Prostate Importance

Understand the importance of prostate exams in men’s health

Risks Symptoms

Review your risks and possible symptoms of prostate cancer

Screening for Cancer

Cancer screening helps find cancer at an early stage

Diagnosis Treatment

Learn the options, benefits, and risks of screening and treatment

Best Choice

Making an informed-decision about screening