C++ image processing and machine learning library with using of SIMD: SSE, AVX, AVX-512 for x86/x64, VMX(Altivec) and VSX(Power7) for PowerPC, NEON for ARM....
AwesomeBump is a free program written using Qt library designed to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image. Since the i...
Reading, writing, and processing images in a wide variety of file formats, using a format-agnostic API, aimed at VFX applications....
The CImg Library is a small and open-source C++ toolkit for image processing
Insight Toolkit (ITK) -- Official Repository. ITK builds on a proven, spatially-oriented architecture for processing, segmentation, and registration of scientific...
This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managabl...
This project contains some interesting image processing algorithms that were wrote in python and c++ from scratch....
(DEPRECATED) An open source image processing framework, which uses your USB-, IP- or RPi-camera to recognize events (e.g. motion)....
libXCam is a project for extended camera(not limited in camera) features and focus on image quality improvement and video analysis. There are lots features support...
Qt/QML wrapper library for the ZXing library. 1D/2D barcode image processing library
The NASA Vision Workbench is a general purpose image processing and computer vision library developed by the Autonomous Systems and Robotics (ASR) Area in the Inte...
G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic ima...
ppl.cv is a high-performance image processing library of openPPL supporting various platforms.
A framework for GPU based high-performance medical image processing and visualization
A Cross-platform (for both Android & iOS) Framework for GPU-based Filters, Video and Image Processing....
Fork of JPEGView by David Kleiner - fast and highly configurable viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images with a minimal GUI. Basic on-the...
OpenCL Integrated Performance Primitives - A library of optimized OpenCL image processing functions
Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS....
The core image-processing and machine-learning code for card.io, which is shared between iOS and Android....
UAV-Mapper is a lightweight UAV Image Processing System, Visual SFM reconstruction or Aerial Triangulation, Fast Ortho-Mosaic, Plannar Mosaic, Fast Digital Surface...
Leptonica is an open source library containing software that is broadly useful for image processing and image analysis applications. The official github repository...
Denoise,HDR,Isppipeline,Image-processing(图形处理),camera, Isp ,HDRplus
An interface to the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.
A shellcode function to encrypt a running process image when sleeping.
Foremost is a console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures. This process is commonly referred to as data carving....
A utility for processing PNG, JPEG, BMP, and WebP images. Features include resize/resample, dither, grayscale, apply background color, subpixel rendering....
PostPic is an extension for the open source dbms PostgreSQL that enables image processing inside the database, like PostGIS does for spatial data. It adds the new...
Analogue of the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) for three-dimensional images. Includes an image processing and linear algebra library with feature matchin...
ELF anti-forensics exec, for injecting full dynamic executables into process image (With thread injection)...
Abstracts and expedites the process of backdooring stock firmware images for consumer/SOHO routers
a collection of small and standalone utilities for image processing, written in C
Software to generate 2D/3D/4D analytical phantoms and their Radon transforms (parallel beam) for image processing...
Image Processing Codes using C, without the use of any external libraries. The codes in this repository apply traditional image processing algorithms with use of p...
Processes images with inconsistent spacing to produce fixed size or tightly packed spritesheets.
类似GPUImage的开源跨平台的GPU处理图片及视频库(An cross-platform open source framework for GPU-based image and video processing like GPUImage)...
Fork of Dave Coffin's dcraw image processing app adding support Raspberry Pi cameras.
Small library containing various image processing algorithms (+ Python 3 bindings) that has almost no dependencies -- Moved to Gnome's Gitlab...
ImageMagick is a powerful, open-source software suite for creating, editing, converting, and manipulating images in over 200 formats. Ideal for web developers, gra...
ImageMagick Legacy is a powerful, open-source software suite for creating, editing, converting, and manipulating images in over 200 formats. Ideal for web develope...