Reseter.css - A Futuristic Alternative To Normalize.css And CSS Resets
An unmodified* copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. PostCSS, webpack, Sass, and Less friendly.
It's not huge and bloated. Not normalize nor reset, just a basic set of rules to make modern browsers behave....
A cleaned up combination of Eric Meyer's Reset CSS 2.0 and Nicolas Gallagher's normalize.css with some optional flavor. The Sass Version....
A simple CSS reset that normalizes element spacing, font sizes and input styles.
A modern CSS reset with normalizations organized by browser and a basic version for simple sites.
A super super (and silly) tiny CSS reset and normalizer (kinda) for my HTML/CSS/JS demos
A dead simple CSS boilerplate for cross-browser compatibility and common styling.
Combined reset.css and normalize.css with some additional features
My evolving CSS reset, drawing some inspiration from reset.css and normalize among other projects.
A reset package including Scalpel.css, a minimalist reset; and edits of Normalize.css and Sanitize.css....
A general reset stylesheet. This document has been written in accordance with my experience and needs. Some pieces are taken from Foundation's Normalize CSS....
My own personal CSS/HTML/HTML5 Normalize/Reset all in one by condensing multiple sheets on the net and adding my own personal preferences...
Normalize.css converted to .sass and .scss, HTML5/Mobile Boilerplate's Normalize files converted to .sass, and Eric Meyer's original reset 2.0 converted to .sass....
Think normalize.css without the comments and dropping all the IE stuff.
Equalize.CSS - Combination of Normalize.css, Reset.css, and personal preferences
The beautiful love-child of Nicolas Gallagher's "Normalize.css" and Eric Meyer's "Reset.css"
In this modern era of web development, we don’t really need a heavy-handed reset, or even a reset at all, because CSS browser compatibility issues are much less li...
WordPress starter base, sass, prepros concatenate, css normalize and reset for wp.
ITMD 362, Lab 3: Form Semantics and Normalized Styles In the index.html file in this directory, create a form that asks for a user’s email address, phone number,...
baseline.css is a selective reset and smart normalize to use as a starting point for your projects.
A CSS Browser Reset Derived From Tailwind’s Preflight, With Optional Added Enhancements and Utilities....
A set of styles that reset and normalize the default web browser styling in order to create consistent user interfaces....
A mixture of reset.css and normalize.css to optimize your coding workflow.
Gothium CSS Reset: A lightweight CSS Reset to normalize styles and provide a consistent starting point for your projects. Available via CDN, npm, and jsr, this pac...