📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters,...
MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other...
Natural language processing pipeline for book-length documents (archival Java version; for current Python version, see: https://github.com/booknlp/booknlp)...
CSSBox is an (X)HTML/CSS rendering engine written in pure Java. Its primary purpose is to provide a complete information about the rendered page suitable for furth...
Pdf2Dom is a PDF parser that converts the documents to a HTML DOM representation. The obtained DOM tree may be then serialized to a HTML file or further processe...
Power File Explorer for Android, built-in images/document preview, media player, PDF+image viewer, text editor, apps, processes, traffic manager, compress/descompr...
Analysis plugin for ElasticSearch providing capability for processing inline annotations in documents....
Multi-functional, cross-platform, well documented framework cutting boilerplate and speeding up your software development process...
Apache NIFI processor that converts EDI ASC X12 and EDIFACT documents into XML
TopicModel4J: A Java Package for Topic Models (Contain LDA, Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for LDA, author-topic model, BTM, dirichlet multinomial mixtur...
Query processor with proven optimizations, ready to use for your document store to query semi-structured data with a JSONiq like extension of XQuery. Can also be u...
NOTICE This repository contains the public FTC SDK for the SKYSTONE (2019-2020) competition season. If you are looking for the current season's FTC SDK software, p...
The goal of the current application is to extract Concept-Value pairs for metrics measured during an echocardiogram study. The input is a text document to be proce...
Natural language processing pipeline for finding vitals signs in documents.
the Spin-Suite project is a library for Android based in ADempiere business model, it is responsible of: Synchronizing. Role access. Display menu. Document actions...
The Java source code for CosmosDB Core Change Feed Processor
Intelligent document capture platform which automatically captures content from the documents and makes that available to use in your business processes....
Real-time processing engine that extracts domain concepts from documents and inserts those concepts into a knowledge graph...
A full-featured Document Layer for your application, providing the functionality of a flexible document management system, including storage, discovery, processing...