Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates,...
The react static site generator that separates editing and code concerns
Re-implementation of presskit() as a static site generator
🎈 Hydrogen. Voted (by me) the world's lightest static-site generator built with TypeScript ❤ It uses 🔥 lit-html inspired templating for super duper performant te...
A sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.
:japanese_ogre: :frog: JavaScript static site generator with Org Mode & Markdown support (α) :boom:...
A modern and performant static site generator supporting Web Component based development.
An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator for Node.js
CMS and Static Site Generator created with the internationalization in mind
A simple static site generator with an integrated toolchain for efficient development and delivery.
A simple blog engine and static site generator written as an Azure Durable Functions code sample
DreamLand MUD: static web site page generator, searcher app, help generator
Keystone is a static-site generator ideal for quickly building small websites. No setup required, and a collection of handy features are enabled by default....
:trumpet: A Static Site Generator supporting Markdown, responsive images, RSS and other RESTable files. Built with Node.js and minimal dependencies....
HtmlJar is an html engine and static site generator while also having several backend features that make it easy for developers to create applications...
Lessons and resources in the DDaT Codelabs curriculum, built with the Gatsby static site generator.
An unopinionated static site generator with a tiny api. Friendly with a watched hot reloaded environment....
A simple, elegant and fast static site generator for node.js
Convert Notion pages, blocks, or entire lists into any format: Markdown, MDX, JSX, HTML, LaTeX, and more. A powerful Notion conversion engine that lets you write o...