Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
Modern NSURLSession based Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 8+ devices...
Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
Automatic play video & cache video data in UITableView like Weibo and Douyin.
A high-performance image framework, including a series of capabilities such as image views, image downloader, memory caches, disk caches, image decoders and image...
Everyone tries to implement a cache at some point in their iOS app’s lifecycle, and this is ours.
Simple offline caching for UIWebView and other NSURLConnection clients
PinYin4Objc is a popular objective-c library supporting convertion between Chinese(both Simplified and Tranditional) characters and most popular Pinyin systems, it...
iOS asynchronous download, sharing, and caching library for images and more
Rounded async imageview downloader based on AFNetworking 2 and lightly cached
Download, cache, render small images with UIImageView category
A simple GitHub iPhone App that can cache Markdown content (include images in HTML) for read it later. 简单的 GitHub iOS 应用,缓存项目中的 Markdown 渲染之后的 HTML 及其图片方便稍后阅读...
💻 Sketch Cache Cleaner - Deletes hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive and that you would probably never use....
A flexible image caching library for image rich iOS applications
🖖高性能的自动计算采用 Autolayout 布局的 UITableViewCell 和 UITableViewHeaderFooterView 的高度,内部自动管理高度缓存。
A video player SDK for iOS, it is based on AVPlayer.,
AFCache is an HTTP cache for iOS and OSX seeking towards full RFC2616 compliance
A quick develop framework. Contains: weak timer, button block,weak KVO,weak Notification, memory cache file cache, UI signal, category....
Photo viewer (gallery) for iOS with AFNetworking and caching.
NSCache based remote-image caching and downloading mechanism for iOS.