A PHP library/toolkit designed to handle all of your web scraping needs under a MIT or LGPL license. Also has web server and WebSocket server classes for building...
This PHP library enables you to scrape data from IMDB.com.
Crawl all unique internal links found on a given website, and extract SEO related information - supports javascript based sites...
A tool which scrapes public github repositories for common naming conventions in variables, folders and files...
Grawler is a tool written in PHP which comes with a web interface that automates the task of using google dorks, scrapes the results, and stores them in a file....
htmlSQL is a experimental PHP library which allows you to access HTML values by an SQL like syntax.
:mag_right: Google/Bing search results scraping using PHP. Tested and working / May 13, 2020
This script scrapes the HTML from different web pages to get the information from the video (XVideos, PornHub, RedTube) and you can use it in your own video player...
📜 Framework-agnostic API scraper to load items from any paginated JSON API into a Laravel lazy collection via async HTTP requests....
Essential PHP library that scrapes HTTP(S) and UDP trackers for torrent information.
Parses tracking information for several carriers, like UPS, USPS, DHL and GLS by simply scraping the data. No need for any kind of API access....
Service to scrape a web page easily without knowing their HTML structure.
Shopee Scrape is a tool that functions to collect data - the data needed, such as finding data from photos, prices, names, store locations and others....
Presentation about scraping the web with Laravel Dusk, Docker, Goutte, and PHP
Fully documented & tested Laravel 9 RESTful books API scraped from Gramedia.
PHP Class to Generate real User Agent strings with optional capabilities to specify OS, browser, device, ect. simply by passing a parameter. Created with the inten...