Phan is a static analyzer for PHP. Phan prefers to avoid false-positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness....
Static code analysis to find violations in a dependency graph
A tool that can scan php vulnerabilities automatically using static analysis methods
Check Drupal code for deprecations and discover bugs via static analysis
:mag_right: static analysis rules to prevent IEEE-754 floating point errors
:white_check_mark: :dragon_face: Static analysis on top of mutation testing - prevents escaped mutants from being invalid according to static analysis...
Find undefined and unused variables with the PHP Codesniffer static analysis tool.
PHPStan based SQL static analysis and type inference for the database access layer
A combined runtime/static code-analysis tool, that can trace parameter types
Language server for PHP, with powerful static analysis and type inference.
An extendable, XPath driven, static code analysis tool for Magento, built on the top of PHP-Parser library....
Stubs for PHP core and third-party extensions for auto-completion, or static analysis
WooCommerce function and class declaration stubs for static analysis
Variables plugin for PHP Codesniffer static analysis tool. (Up for adoption, I don't work in PHP any more)...
WordPress function, class, and global variable declaration stubs for easier static analysis.
A Vim plugin for PHPStan - It calls `phpstan` to do static analysis of your PHP code and displays the errors in Vim's quickfix...
Generate stubs from any PHP code for IDE completion and static analysis.
PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!
Python script to detect vulnerabilities inside PHP source code using static analysis, based on regex
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture + DDD + CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis + CI/CD)...
Up-to-date WordPress function and class declaration stubs for static analysis by PHPStan
Attributes to define new PHP language features (that are enforced by static analysis)
Read about upgrades, static analysis, GPT, Symfony and Laravel