Exasol Python driver with low overhead, fast HTTP transport and compression
django database driver that query an RestAPI instead of a relational database
This is a proof-of-concept implementation of the framework proposed by [Alves and Aranha 2018] with the purpose of offering a wrapper on MongoDB's Python driver th...
Light-weight utilities and declarative schema (mutable mapping) to augment, not replace the Python MongoDB driver....
Database driver to add Microsoft SQL Server/Azure support to Peewee
A database driver for Django to connect to an Informix database
api for databases, support connection pool, both asynchronous and synchronous driver supported
Distributed time-series Database - InfluxDB Asynchronous Driver for Twisted
A blogging website that allows registered users to post blogs, add likes and comments. The website uses Python for backend scripting, HTML for frontend design and...
Python hierarchical relational database for the FOS REST API objects. A layer on top of the brcdapi drivers....
visualize Gradient class activation maps of network trained for driver distraction detection using StateFarm database....
Extends the database driver for Django `django_informixdb` to retrieve credentials from a Hashicorp Vault service....
LiFD is a two-phase algorithm to predict likely functional driver (LiFD) mutations that integrates information from multiple databases and bioinformatic methods....
This is a python code to scrape videos page for a YouTube channel and create a Database. Having a List of Video title of our favorite YouTube channels, along with...
Python driver for Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. This is the successor to cx_Oracle, which is now obsolete....
The AWS Advanced Python Driver is complementary to and extends the functionality of an existing Python database driver to help an application take advantage of the...
Docker image with python 3.11 and pyodbc. Includes ODBC drivers for MSSQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
PyDynamoDB is a Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for Amazon DynamoDB. A SQLAlchemy dialect is offered as well. Superset official database driver....
An InterBase driver that implements Python Database API 2.0 support
An Intake driver that provides access to SQLite databases identified by either local or remote URLs.
Adminer is an open-source database management in a single PHP file. In adminer from version 4.0.0 and before 4.7.9 there is a server-side request forgery vulnerabi...