The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails
Pagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem) ⛺
Rails 3 compatible generators for gems that don't have them yet
A pack of Rails generators gem plugin that generates Rails 3 and Rails 2 I18n locale files for almost every known locale....
A Ruby gem that is a Sinatra app generator with Rails-like simplicity. I built this to help fellow Flatiron School students with their Sinatra assessments....
pluto gems - planet feed reader and (static) website generator - auto-build web pages from published web feeds...
A random sentence and paragraph generator gem. Using Markov chains, this generates near-english prose....
A gem that allows for you to write specs for your Rails 3 generators
Simple random number generator gem for Ruby (based on C# code by John D. Cook).
quik gem - ruby quick starter template script wizard .:. the missing code generator
A Rails generator gem that generates an entire MVC stack for user polling on your app
This gem includes a generator for SimpleForm configuration with Materialize.
💎 AuxiliaryRails gem - a collection of classes, scripts, generators for Ruby on Rails helping you get things done, better and faster....
Quick and flexible web project generator for standalone sites or use with QEDServer. gem install qedproject...
A gem containing Twitter’s Bootstrap CSS Project, a JQuery Plugin to simply user interface interactivity, and generators to make scaffolds sexy....
This is the gem that consist of generator, to generate files to play with polish payment service
Views generator for devise gem. Views are generated to be used with simple_form gem. It also adds full i18N support...
Rails gem which includes SimpleForm configuration generator and custom inputs for MaterializeSass users...
A gem that generate boilerplates when creating new domain services
Random name generator in Ruby. Examples include Badoss Darratbraoss and Vrodamen Ded.
The next_rails_scaffold gem is a powerful extension to the standard Ruby on Rails scaffold generator....
Ruby Xid Implementation. Globally Unique ID Generator.