This gem allows you to simply optimize CarrierWave images via jpegoptim or optipng.
HuffShell is a gem for suggesting and optimizing your shell aliases, programtically.
RGhost is a document creation and conversion API. It uses the Ghostscript framework for the format conversion, utilizes EPS templates and is optimized to work with...
A gem for building mobile optimized Rails applications using semantic, media query-based device detection and server side component optimization....
Makes your life easier optimizing an application for retina displays.
Fontue is a Rack-based, open-source, web font server built for This project also includes font optimization scripts for use with FontForge...
Optimized generation of public and presigned AWS S3 GET URLs in ruby faster
Nested OpenStruct alternative optimized for speed especially for many short-lived objects.
This gem allows you to simply optimize images via jpegoptim or optipng.
Slimmed down version of Webpacker with only the asset helpers optimized for, but not requiring, React on Rails...
Agency Jekyll Theme starter template (optimized for GitHub Pages)
🚀 Jekyll plugin for compress/optimize images (jpg, png, gif, svg)
Fast, recursive, optimized, URL-Safe serialization for any Ruby object
Optimized top-N-per-group Active Record associations using lateral joins
CPU-optimized Neural Machine Translation models for Firefox Translations
ActionAuth is an authentication Rails engine crafted to integrate seamlessly with your Rails application. Optimized for Rails 7.2.0, it employs the most modern aut...
TypeDown is a Markdown dialect optimized for fast typing on mobile devices.