Polyglot replacement for Ruby WebSocket servers with Action Cable protocol
BrowserBackdoor is an Electron Application with a JavaScript WebSocket Backdoor and a Ruby Command-Line Listener...
Fie is a Rails-centric frontend framework running over a permanent WebSocket connection.
Plezi - the Ruby framework for realtime web-apps, websockets and RESTful HTTP
Simple example of Twitter + AMQP + RabbitMQ + EventMachine + HTML5 WebSocket with no polling
Experimental Swiss Army Knife of Network Concurrency, ZeroMQ, EventMachine, WebSockets, HTTP, and More...
A chess server built on Rails 5 and Action Cable-powered WebSockets.
🤝Rails implementation of a WebRTC Signaling Server
Asynchronous WebSocket client and server, supporting HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 for Ruby.
Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.
BrowserBackdoor is an Electron Application with a JavaScript WebSocket Backdoor and a Ruby Command-Line Listener...
A chess server built on Rails 5 and Action Cable-powered WebSockets.