A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for my app DoodleDoodle) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold desi...
A simple but highly customizable UICollectionViewLayout for UICollectionView -- Simple SwiftUI views that let you make page-view effects....
Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
A macOS utility that helps reduce distraction by dimming your inactive noise
Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
PPMusicImageShadow is a view that imitates in real time the shadow blurred effect of iOS Music App.
SAParallaxViewControllerSwift realizes parallax scrolling with blur effect. In addition, it realizes seamless opening transition....
A subclass of UIVisualEffectView with customizable blur radius.
An example of how to interactively animate blur radius on iOS 10.
A SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background.
Beautiful configurable Alert View with blurred background developed in Swift
Catalyst example using an AppKit-provided NSVisualEffectView to provide a translucent blurred window
Subclass of UILabel for animating the blurring and unblurring of text in iOS (written in Swift)
Moving view transition with the blurring effect between view controllers for Swift3
A Swift 1.2 playground that shows a technique for blurring an image behind the characters (glyphs) of one or more UILabels...
A one-file, App Store upload-safe version of Janum Trivedi's variable blur effect.
An example of how to create a live, variable blur effect on iOS.
Decode BlurHash strings to SwiftUI MeshGradient or Color with various customization options.
Zoom and Motion Blur shader built using SwiftUI, Metal and Wave.
An App Store safe framework for tapping into more of the dynamic blur capabilities of UIKit.