SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more....
Sample iOS app demonstrating Coordinators, Dependency Injection, MVVM, Binding
Movies app written in Swift 5 using the TMDb API and demonstrating Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, MVVM and Coordinators....
Swinject extension for automatic dependency injection via Storyboard
Powerful dependency injection for iOS & OSX working on a pure Swift
This is the demo of MVVM-C structure with dependency injection using RxSwift.
A sample project demonstrating MVVM, RxSwift, Coordinator Pattern, Dependency Injection
Light-weight Service Locator / Dependency Injection library for Swift: providing objects with the dependencies they need throughout your whole iOS app....
Dependency injection for Swift (iOS, OSX, Linux). Strongly typed, pure Swift successor to Typhoon.
Swift dependency injection annotations. Using Sourcery and Swinject.
Simple iOS app written in Swift using dependency injection and frameworks
Microframework for dependency injection in Swift based on PropertyWrappers.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
⚛️ Atomic approach state management and dependency injection for SwiftUI
🧠 Effortless State Management and Dependency Injection for Swift 6 Applications
Example project showing how Dependency Injection along with the Composition Root pattern can be introduced in a SwiftUI codebase....