A single-user database for Mac and iOS that provides multi-client synchronization using cloud storage...
A single-user database for Mac and iOS that provides multi-client synchronization using cloud storage...
Multi Database ORM written in Swift, for iOS/MacOS/Linux (SQLite, Cassandra, Mongo, Dynamo, Postgres)...
A simple photo library app (IOS) with multi-screen tab bar navigation. Photo App - utilizes Firebase as a remote database for saving, retrieving data, account crea...
Mini App of coreData for store student information, multi-threading in core data.
this project allows you to select multiple images from your gallery and store it to your app core database...
A single-user database for Mac and iOS that provides multi-client synchronization using cloud storage...
iOS multi-user location pin sharing app using a parse database
Here, i have create simple sound playing application with multi users. Sound playing in multiple device at same time using firebase database...
Photo App – Utilizes Firebase as a remote database for saving/retrieving data, account creation, login and sign out, camera and photo library, multi-screen tab bar...
Multi Database ORM written in Swift, for iOS/MacOS/Linux (SQLite, Cassandra, Mongo, Dynamo, Postgres)...
iOS app for photo editing with multi-layer support. Features include layer manipulation (move, resize, rotate), filters, blurs, cropping, and merging images into l...