Easily integrate Credit Card payments module in iOS App. Swift 4.0
Self sovereign, secure, powerful, easy to use wallet that utilizes your own node as a backend. Powered by PSBT's and descriptors. Acts as an offline signer using y...
I loved the way payments app's like Google pay and PhonePe used scratch card option to reward it's user. Hence with 💛 cloned the same scratch card effect for you...
[In Development] A food delivery app for iOS that brings delicious food from your favourite local restaurant right to your door. Credit card payment with Stripe....
This library allows implementing payment acceptance into mobile apps on iOS and works as an extension to the YooMoney API...
PiA Netaxept iOS SDK is a library that provides the native in-app interactions to accept payments with Netaxept directly from native iOS apps while minimizing PCI...
Provide mobile in-app payments functionality within your iOS application.
Sippy: SIP Planner, powered by SwiftUI, calculates the future value of SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) payments....
Mac app for creating invoices, sending by email, printing, saving as pdf and keeping track of payments....
([Objective-C] https://github.com/dgynfi/DYFStoreKit) A lightweight and easy-to-use iOS library for In-App Purchases (Swift). DYFStore uses blocks and notification...
An independent micro-service that takes orders in and processes payments.
Sample code for stripe payments with firebase on iOS.
Khalti SDK for iOS apps. Khalti Merchant can use this library to integrate the payment system in their system....
Learn how to take in-person payments with a physical reader and Terminal in your iOS app
In-app purchases and subscriptions made easy. Support for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and macOS.
FinanceKit is a Framework for iOS and Mac to build apps working with financial data, like money, currencies, stocks, portfolio, transactions and other concepts....
Learn how to take in-person payments with a physical reader and Terminal in your iOS app