DWC Customiser plugin - Build custom dashboards from std DWC UI components and add new custom components and buttons which can run Macros/gcode, or post http reque...
Vue component (Vue.js 2.0) or directive (Vue.js 1.0) allowing drag-and-drop and synchronization with view model array. This component can upload&view only your ima...
Reaction Timer Mini Game with Vue.js using Vue hooks, components, props, and custom events to emit it in the child components. It is written based on the options A...
GCE ITTP Team Two Vue.js Calendar built using vuejsdevelopers tutorial + customized added Event functionality...
Use vue custom events to communicate to your parent component from the child
Reaction Timer Mini Game with Vue.js using Vue hooks, components, props, and custom events to emit it in the child components. It is written based on the options A...
VueCaptchaSwitcher is a Vue 3 component that allows seamless integration and dynamic switching between multiple CAPTCHA providers, including Google reCAPTCHA, hCap...