A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation.
Book: The definitive guide to mod_rewrite, URL manipulation, and content munging with the Apache http server...
You need to know fundamentals of NLP with the following : 1. Numpy [array manipulation] 2.Pandas [making dataframes for visualization] 3.Re [for extracting url d...
The library makes parsing and manipulation of URL🌐 and Email address📧 easy.
Form Manipulation ,Image Upload system . Class & function based view concept , Dynamic URL routing.
Practice of string manipulation in Python with an URL example
Compares each string in List A against each string in List B. For each comparison, a match score is calculated to allow the user to identify the closest match in a...
Python program Fileless-PE.py generates a Python script (PEloader.py) to load a DLL or EXE file from a given URL. It provides functionality to specify a method to...
Began as an RSA decryption tool during CTF, now handles diverse tasks like base encoding, URL manipulation, various ciphers (Vigenère, Rail Fence), and AES decrypt...