R package that helps create and export ggplot2 charts in the style used by the BBC News data team
R package of data and code behind the stories and interactives at FiveThirtyEight
R Package 📦 Containing the Datasaurus Dozen datasets :bar_chart:
An Interactive R Package for Viewing, Entering Filtering and Editing Data
An R package 📦 making it easy to query, preview, download and preprocess multiple kinds of spatial data 🛰 via R. All beta....
Excerpt from the Gapminder data, as an R data package and in plain text delimited form
karyoploteR - An R/Bioconductor package to plot arbitrary data along the genome
📦 R package for data and supplemental functions for OpenIntro resources
This R package is designed to obtain USGS or EPA water quality sample data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services. See: http://usgs-r.github.io/...
R package providing annotators and a normalized data model for natural language processing
R package for detecting doublets in single-cell RNA sequencing data
Quantitative Discourse Analysis Package: Bridging the gap between qualitative data and quantitative analysis...
This repository is an R package to easily stream StatsBomb data from the API using your log in credentials or from the Open Data GitHub repository cost free into R...
An R package to hold and facilitate interaction with natural earth map data :earth_africa:
{tidycovid19}: An R Package to Download, Tidy and Visualize Covid-19 Related Data
This R package is designed to obtain USGS or EPA water quality sample data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services....
R package to quantify and remove cell free mRNAs from droplet based scRNA-seq data
An Extensible Suite of High-Performance and Low-Dependency Packages for Statistical Computing and Data Manipulation in R...
R package that makes basic data exploration radically simple (interactive data exploration, reproducible data science)...
R package for modeling single cell UMI expression data using regularized negative binomial regression...
R-package for structural equation modeling based on GWAS summary data
R package with collection of functions created and/or curated to aid in the visualization and analysis of single-cell data using R....
R package providing annotators and a normalized data model for natural language processing
R package to infer biological activities from omics data using a collection of methods.