@Homebrew tap for music software, such as @NativeInstruments synths and presets, for use in a DAW like @Ableton Live....
SoundDisco is an artist discovery website built with Ruby on Rails, multiple API's, Javascript & Ajax. It uses a single user input to get artist information by pul...
Audio content marketplace for music artists and media producers
Create customizable synthesizers to play music and sounds that can be layered to vary music complexity....
A web app for sharing music. Anyone can be the DJ and songs can be voted on.
App to search live music events, and sample artist's songs to see if you want to hear them live.
Rails App to import Sofar Sounds music video metadata from an external source and exposes it externally...
A Cinch plugin to interact and stream music/sound clips to a Mumble server.
Sounds that I have created using Sonic Pi. Sonic Pi is a live coding environment based on Ruby, originally designed to support both computing and music lessons in...
I've just discovered Sonic Pi and I'm gonna store all my attempts at programming music in here. I wish I knew anything about making music. I love music but I have...
mpv-adjustvol reads the first 180 seconds of movie/music files and plays them with an adjusted sound's volume....
One stop shopping for any active participant in the music industry. Lets musicians find similar sounds and collaborate and allows venues and producers to headhunt...
Audio content marketplace for music artists and media producers
Sound engineers have found many ways of making music sound good. Let's look at what they do and reproduce some of their methods in Ruby!...
An Arduino based sound toy using touch capacitive sensors to trigger a synth engine.
Glimmer Metronome supports different beat counts, click sounds, and tempos, including tap-based tempo calculation....