A Swift DSL for navigation in iOS and tvOS apps with a simplified, chainable, and compile time safe syntax...
A router implementation designed for complex modular apps, written in Swift
A demo app for talking to a Bluetooth 4.0 device, specifically the Bluno Beetle (http://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1259)...
Intuitive cycling tracker app for iOS built with SwiftUI using Core Location, Core Data, MapKit, CloudKit and Combine. Features live route tracking, live metrics,...
A Clean, Simple and Composable Routing System for iOS apps in Swift
Example of routing URLs, NSUserActivity and UIApplicationShortcutItems in an iOS app.
Provides a structure for a larger project to grow into. It contains an HTTP Server config that loads from pre-separated Filters and Routes, a JSON config loader, a...
Scotty is a framework designed to make app routing simpler and safer.
SwiftMVCR is an example iOS App written in Swift using the MVCR architecture. (Model, View, Controller, Router)...
iOS App to communicate with nearby people. It makes audio calls without the necessity of internet nor router....
Sample project, showing a deep-link-first approach routing architecture for iOS app projects
An example app of using alamofire, alamofireobjectmapper and router approach to handle webservice calls....
An iOS swift app that shows route information and plots the route on a map
An app that optimizes parking traffic routing using beacons, controls all monetary transactions, and entertainment...
iOS app that collects locations of bicycling users in order to plan new bike routes
Highway is a lightweight, scalable framework for basic routing in iOS apps.
This Todo app is a full reference implementation for VIPER. It demonstrates many of the tasks you would do on a daily basis....
iOS navigation app helping you avoid the route there are more criminal activities through the graphical information on the map....
A function that open Apple maps and/or Google maps for showing routes
Shows route and relative GPS location on a bike display (iOS app + ESP32 module)
Safe2Home is a safety app that keeps you safe when you walk alone! It features a wide collection of functionalities including matching walk buddies, route finding,...
Tirana transit is a real time journey planning application for the iOS platform. It is focused precisely on the public transport operating in Tirana. Using the GP...
A helper macOS app for script-driven routing of http(s) urls to different applications.
The App Shows drawing a route from one location to another using Apple framework Mapkit
WindRider-iOS: A SwiftUI app focused on cyclist comfort by analyzing headwinds on routes, with features for tracking and a lock screen widget for instant wind upda...
This project aims to provide a user-friendly, beautiful and visual app for professional climbers to find hiking locations, choose routes and record tracks....
🚀 SwiftUI Navigation Router - A lightweight and flexible SwiftUI navigation manager, built with NavigationStack and supporting customizable routes. Easily manage...
MVP, Builder, Router, DI, CoreData, async/await, Keychain, CollectionView with snapshots, Font Styles...
Example of building a stock trading app with Apple homescreen widget using Expo Router
A Swift library for UIKit and SwiftUI designed to manage navigation flow, abstract datasource requests, and decouple UI from app logic....