Animated UITextField with check & filter for default types (email, url, password, price, date...) for iOS written in Swift 5...
A simple to use drop in replacement for UILabel written in Swift that provides automatic detection of links such as URLs, email, phone number, twitter style userna...
A library that allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using Swift.
Core API functionality (users & teams, passwords, emails, etc) for any service built with Vapor 3
A simple (but correct) Swift library for validating email addresses. Supports mail addresses as defined in rfc5322 as well as the new Internationalized Mail Addres...
Complete Sign up and Sign in Process for iOS SwiftUI - using Firebase Email and Password Authentication....
A deployment ready Vapor 3 API template with support for authentication, real-time chat, push notifications, files, email verification...
Field Validator is one of the smart class for validating fields in a single line of code. It's a very smart code saver class to validate name, password, DOB, Chan...
Experimental email client for the ProtonMail service written in Swift.
A simple Swift viewcontroller to easily select emails from a user's contacts and/or enter them manually. Great for sharing content or inviting users....
A custom view modifier in order to present the system email composer in SwiftUI based iOS apps shipped as a Swift package. For Xcode 13 and above....
Mac app for creating invoices, sending by email, printing, saving as pdf and keeping track of payments....
iOS project boilerplate that handles authentication with Email/Password, Sign in with Google, and Sign in with Apple using Google Firebase....