A multi-mode date and time picker for Bootstrap (3&4), jQueryMobile, Foundation, Bulma, FomanticUI, and UIKit (or others)...
JavaScript Developer Guide for DOM BOM and date time counter banner application structure
Web app to visualize the stars and planets at a particular date and time
This Routine Manager Application is made by javascript which populates the daily routine and filters it according to the date and time....
This is a sample Django project. This project is a mock of user picking up a near by moving company and select a available date and time...
This full stack application allows users to record sightings of superheroes and villains with time and date, as well as organizations and powers. It includes an ER...
a js client library to create Calendar and DayCalendar booker system.
A weather app, provides time of current location and the weather for any location you search, along with the forecast at three-hour intervals for the next five day...
This is a day planner app built using html,bootstrap,jquery and moment.js library for date and time format....
Day planner is a very simple day planner that highlights the current hour and give the full date and time. Moment.js and jQuery were used....
A calendar application that features dynamically updated HTML, CSS powered by jQuery, and Moment.js library to work with the date and time....
Plan your vacation! Search a city for point of interest recommendations, manage an itinerary by date/time, and keep track of costs! Data saves in localStorage....
Full-Stack web app using the MVC paradigm and server-side API. "MeoWoof" is a mobile first designed application featuring a map and display the route walked for th...
An event manager app that allows a user to create and keep track of events while storing all the information that he may need, such as phone numbers and emails of...
This is a simple calendar application which allows the user to save different tasks and events by the hour of the day. this app features dynamically updated HTML a...
A simple calendar application that allows a user to save events for each hour of the day. This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and...
Train Time In this assignment, you'll create a train schedule application that incorporates Firebase to host arrival and departure data. Your app will retrieve and...
An online auction site for vintage products where sellers can post their products with details and a starting price and date when the auction will take place. At t...
Plan your vacation! Search a city for point of interest recommendations, manage an itinerary by date/time, and keep track of costs! Data saves in localStorage....
JavaScript Developer Guide for DOM BOM and date time counter banner application structure