Soy is not a recursive acronym - PHP task runner focused on clean syntax and allowing flexible implementation...
Structured, modular and test-driven front-end development and build workflow with Grunt task runner. Includes boilerplate code for Backbone with single/multipage R...
A versatile and lightweight PHP task runner, designed with simplicity in mind.
A database task-runner (especially for transforming a production database to a sandbox).
Example Symfony 2 projects which uses AngularJS MV* and the Grunt Task Runner
Resilient Task Runner, A circuit breaker implementation in PHP, highly configurable task runner with number of max tries, back-off factor, maximum sleep time, and...
phpDBAdmin is a powerful database tool for performing critical tasks on one or more databases. Modules include verification of data sources availability, data stru...
A database task-runner (especially for transforming a production database to a sandbox).
This composer package integrates the Robo task runner with the Acquia Cloud API v2 PHP SDK to facilitate running Acquia CLI tasks either in Robo or Drush....
A PHP based cron job runner. Manage, monitor, log and react to problems with your scheduled tasks.